2 Dakika Kural için C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri

2 Dakika Kural için C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri

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@OlivierJacot-Descombes: Short of using Reflection, there's no way of knowing whether an IList which allows anything of a given type to be stored by index will allow everything of that type to be stored by index.

, so if you're doing complicated work to evaluate the enumerable kakım you read from it, that work doesn't happen until it's asked for. This is extra beneficial, because often (say, for searches again) you'll find you might hamiş need to do the work at all.

Now the thing to note is that IEnumerable brought all the 5 records present in Salary table and then performed an in-memory filteration on the client side to get tamamen 2 records. So more veri (3 additional records in this case) got transferred over the network and ate up the bandwidth unnecessarily.

C# IEnumerable yararlanmaı nispeten basittir ve alelumum koleksiyonlar üzerinde alışverişlemler kılmak yürekin yeğleme edilir. İşte etap kadem nasıl kullanılacağına üstüne detaylı bir tavzih:

An Enumerable is a class that dirilik give you Enumerators. It başmaklık a method called GetEnumerator which gives you an Enumerator that looks at its items. When you write a foreach loop in C#, the code that it generates calls GetEnumerator to create the Enumerator used by the loop.

static public IEnumerable VerileriGetir() yield return "Pazartesi"; yield return "Salı"; yield return "Çarşamba"; yield return "Perşembe"; yield return "Cuma namazı"; yield return "Cumartesi"; yield return "Pazar"; Şimdi dundaki kod bloğunu detaylıca inceleyelim.

IQueryable allows for out-of memory things like a remote data C# IEnumerable Nasıl Kullanılır source, such as a database or web service.

This way you have possibility to do many things with that query without touching the data (in this case data in the list). List method takes the prepared query and executes it against the source C# IEnumerable Nedir of data.

IEnumerable describes behavior, while List is an implementation of that behavior. When you use IEnumerable, you give the compiler a chance to defer work until later, possibly optimizing along the way. If you use ToList() you force the compiler to reify the results right away.

Marc GravellMarc Gravell 1.0m271271 gold badges2.6k2.6k silver badges2.9k2.9k bronze badges 1 1 The mistake with "Reset" was with just having one type of enumerable. IMHO, there should have been an IMultipassEnumerable, inheriting IEnumerable, which would support Reset and guarantee that multiple passes will either return identical data or throw an exception; an ordinary IEnumerable whose collection was modified should be allowed to return 'sensible' data if it's able to do so or throw an exception if it dirilik't, and an ISafeEnumerable, which would be expected to work sensibly (without throwing an exception) even if a collection changes. A bit late now to change things, though.

Coming soon: Throughout 2024 we will be phasing out GitHub Issues kakım the feedback mechanism for C# IEnumerable Kullanımı content and replacing it with a new feedback system. For more information see: .

diye sorarsak eğer üst satırlarda bahsettiğimiz gibi o klasın geriye IEnumerator nesnesi dönen GetEnumerator isimli metodu barındırıyor olması demekti. Ee haliyle IEnumerable interface’i ait sınıfa uygulandığında GetEnumerator metodunu implement edecektir.

In simple words other major difference is that IEnumerable execute select query on server side, load veri in-memory on client side and then filter data while IQueryable execute select query on C# IEnumerable Nerelerde Kullanılıyor server side with all filters.

In addition to all the C# IEnumerable Nedir answers posted above, here is my two cents. There are many other types other than List that implements IEnumerable such ICollection, ArrayList etc.

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